Why Do We Need Loxada if We Already Have a VPN?

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TL;DR VPNs secure data transmission, Loxada secures the network environment itself.

Potential clients sometimes ask why they need Loxada if they already use a VPN. It’s a fair question; VPNs are excellent tools, but they serve a specific purpose: protecting data in transit. Loxada addresses a completely different layer of risk that VPNs aren’t designed to handle.

Understanding the Strengths (and Limitations) of a VPN

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) excel at encrypting data transmissions, effectively creating a secure tunnel between a user’s device and the organization’s internal resources. They primarily ensure data privacy and prevent interception or tampering while information travels over the internet.

However, VPNs don’t secure the local network environment itself. Once a device is connected to a network outside an organization’s control, such as home Wi-Fi, shared and managed office connections, or public hotspots, a VPN alone can’t protect against threats originating from other devices on that network or the network devices/routers themselves.

Think of using a VPN like standing at your office front door and handing documents directly to a trusted courier to securely deliver them. This ensures secure delivery of those specific documents to their intended destination; however, it doesn’t protect you against other people sharing your building who might steal or rifle through your belongings.

The Risks Loxada Addresses

This is exactly where Loxada steps in. Loxada provides managed, secure routers pre-installed with our specialized firmware, completely replacing the manufacturer’s default firmware. Even a factory reset will not revert the device back to the insecure original firmware, ensuring ongoing security integrity.

Key risks that Loxada protects against (that VPNs don’t) include:

Lateral threats – Protecting against attacks from other compromised devices sharing the same network.

Router-level vulnerabilities – Mitigating risks associated with commercially available routers that often ship with outdated or insecure firmware.

Network access control – Securing third-party network environments (outside direct IT control) that historically have been overlooked but now represent a rapidly increasing attack surface.

Why Loxada Complements Your Existing VPN

Rather than competing with your current VPN solution, Loxada significantly enhances your security posture by addressing areas traditional VPNs can’t:

Network-level protection – Loxada secures the local network environment itself, protecting against lateral threats from compromised devices or insecure routers on third-party networks. Once connected, your existing VPN can’t protect against threats originating within the local network environment.

Comprehensive device coverage – Loxada automatically protects every device that connects to its router, including personal devices (BYOD), shadow IT devices, printers, IoT devices, medical equipment, and payment terminals. Traditional VPN implementations often overlook these because many such devices can’t run VPN software directly or are entirely unknown to the IT team tasked with protecting them.

Reduced IT workload – Loxada’s routers receive automatic, continuous firmware updates. They are maintained remotely, removing the significant burden on IT teams to manually track and update router firmware when this is in scope.

Simplicity of deployment and use – Non-technical users can deploy Loxada routers in just minutes without requiring IT support, ensuring secure connectivity wherever they are.

Side Note: Loxada is Increasingly Relevant in Today’s Security Landscape

Recent alerts (February 2025) from CISA, the FBI, and Five Eyes highlight growing concerns around vulnerabilities in commercial routers and network-edge devices. These alerts underscore the significance of precisely the vulnerabilities that Loxada uniquely addresses:

  • Routers frequently go unpatched for years, leaving critical vulnerabilities.
  • Default firmware often contains exploitable security flaws.
  • Remote router management interfaces with default credentials present a huge risk.

To sum up

VPNs secure data in transit, but Loxada secures the local network environment itself, protecting your organization from threats VPNs aren’t designed to handle.

If you found this blog post interesting you might also enjoy our regular series of webinars about practical ways to improve the security of people working outside the office.