How to protect your wi-fi login details when working from home

Sharing your Wi-Fi login details with friends and neighbours is often seen as a friendly gesture, but it’s crucial to understand the potential security risks involved. This blog post aims to inform non-technical users why they should refrain from sharing their Wi-Fi login details (as it’s a terrible idea!).

  1. Unauthorised access to your network

You grant others access to your home network by sharing your Wi-Fi login details. This means they can potentially gain access to your work and personal files, monitor your internet activity, and even take control of your devices. Protecting your network and the information it contains is vital for maintaining your privacy and security.

  1. Increased risk of cyberattacks

Sharing your Wi-Fi login details can elevate the risk of cyberattacks targeting your home network. If your friend’s or neighbour’s device is infected with malware or a virus, it can spread to other devices on your network, including yours. This can lead to data breaches, unauthorised access, and potential damage to your devices and personal information.

  1. Increased bandwidth usage

Sharing your Wi-Fi login details also means sharing your available bandwidth. Consequently, this can lead to a slower internet speed, negatively impacting online activities such as streaming or gaming. Maintaining control over your bandwidth ensures a better online experience for yourself and prevents unnecessary disruptions.

  1. Accountability for their actions

When you share your Wi-Fi login details, you assume responsibility for any illegal or malicious activities carried out by others on your network. This can result in legal consequences and damage your reputation. Protecting yourself from potential legal liabilities is essential, and keeping your Wi-Fi login details private is a crucial step in doing so.

  1. Difficulty in tracking network issues

Sharing your Wi-Fi login details can complicate the process of identifying network issues. If multiple people are using your Wi-Fi, it becomes challenging to pinpoint the exact source of any problems that may arise. Keeping your network exclusive to yourself helps troubleshoot and resolve network-related issues more efficiently.

While sharing your Wi-Fi login details with friends and neighbours might appear harmless, it’s important to recognise the significant security implications it can have. Unauthorised network access, increased vulnerability to cyberattacks, bandwidth limitations, accountability for others’ actions, and difficulties in troubleshooting network issues all highlight the importance of safeguarding your Wi-Fi login details.

To maintain the security of your network, it is advisable to keep this information to yourself and encourage your friends and neighbours to establish their own Wi-Fi networks. Doing so protects your privacy, reduces the risk of cyber threats, ensures optimal bandwidth usage, and maintains better control over your network’s security and performance.